Parents & Students

School Information

School Hours
7:50 a.m. Doors Open
8:10 a.m. Tardy
3:15 p.m. Dismissal

Reminders from the Office:

All adult visitors must sign in using our computer system in the office. You will receive a visitor's badge that you must wear. You must sign out before leaving.

If your child is late to school... you must come into the office and use the computer system to get a "Tardy Pass". Your child will give the tardy pass to their teacher. Arriving at school on time is very important.

If your child needs to picked up from school...please send a written note with him/her that morning. The teacher will forward the note to the office so we will be aware as well. If you find out you need to pick your child up at the last minute, you may call us to tell us know and we will alert the teacher. Please call before 1:45 p.m. You will need to sign your child out using the computer system in the office.

If your child misses school...please send a doctor, dental, or court note to have the absence excused. If you do not have a note from a doctor, send a note to explain your child's absence.

If you would like to enroll your child... the following information is required:

   Physical/Immunization Record
  Proof of Residency
  Birth Certification
  Legal or Custodial Documents

Click Here for Title 1 Parent Letter 

Click Here
for the School Entrance Health Form - this is for incoming Kindergarten students and out-of-state students.

Click Herefor Tappahannock Elementary School Wide Title I Program COMPACT 

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